Figure 4.
Nasal fossa of the white-tailed deer. Sagittal view of segmented MRI scans of the white-tailed deer nasal airway showing five coronal sections (b–f) selected for morphological and unstained histological representation (A). Representative coronal sections along the rostrocaudal axis illustrating the maxilloturbinal (B–C), nasomaxillary (D) and ethmoturbinal (E–F) regions of the white-tailed deer nasal fossa. The double scroll of the maxilloturbinal fills the rostral regions of the nasal fossa. In the caudal regions, the ventral half of the nasal fossa, beneath the ethmoturbinals, is occupied by the nasopharyngeal meatus (not shown). Representative coronal sections are montages created from individual images and the slight differences observed between these individual images are due to the unstable light intensity of the dissecting stereomicroscope’s light source when these images were captured. Higher magnification of unstained ethmoturbinal showed examples of the thicker olfactory epithelium compared with the thinner nonsensory epithelium (G–I). nt = nasoturbinal; mt = maxilloturbinal; s = septum; et = ethmoturbinals; ob = olfactory bulb; oe = olfactory epithelium; ne = nonsensory epithelium. Scale bar: B–F = 2 mm; G–I = 200 µm.