Table 1.
Protein identification.
Spot | IDa | Acc no.b | pIc | MW (Da)d | Xcorre | No. of peptidesf | % Sequence coverageg |
1 | K8 | P05787 | 5.38 | 53672 | 270.2 | 19 | 39.75 |
2 | K8 | P05787 | 5.50 | 53672 | 230.3 | 16 | 39.13 |
3 | K8 | P05787 | 5.70 | 53672 | 210.3 | 15 | 34.78 |
4 | K18 | P05783 | 5.21 | 48029 | 100.3 | 9 | 30.39 |
5 | K18 | P05783 | 5.30 | 48029 | 120.2 | 8 | 31.40 |
6 | K19 | P08727 | 4.90 | 44065 | 180.3 | 14 | 53.50 |
aProtein identified.
bSwissProt accession number.
cCalculated isoelectric point.
dCalculated molecular weight, Daltons.
eXcorr: significance score.
fNumber of peptides sequenced.
g% of the full length protein sequence covered by identified peptides.