Fig. 9.
SNP allele frequencies in C. remanei before and after lab-adaptation. The allele frequencies of 13,000 SNPs that are present in both populations are plotted, with each point representing a SNP in the genome. Top Allele frequencies before and after lab-adaptation for all SNPs that are present in both populations, detected with PELE-Seq. SNPs in the top left corner are less frequent in the lab-adapted worms; SNPs in the bottom right corner are more frequent in the lab-adapted worms. The estimated 0.25 and 0.75 quantiles of the square root of variance are shown with the dashed red lines. Bottom A zoom-in of allele frequencies before and after lab-adaptation, for SNPs present below 2 % in the wild C. remanei population. Seven rare SNPs in the wild population increased in frequency at least fivefold after lab adaptation