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. 2016 Jun 22;5:606. Originally published 2016 Apr 8. [Version 3] doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8406.3

Table 3. Average AutoDock Vina scores over the top-two sites (see Table 2).

Statin ligands highlighted in green are lactone form, or red if hydroxyacid form. F420 ligands are in blue. Tautomeric representations are included in each average. Standardized ligands are prefixed with “STD_,” those without standardization are prefixed with “RAW_” (see text). Ligand names have suffixes containing either the PDB entry they were originally extracted from, or their respective PubChem 29 CIDs.

Ligand Average AutoDock
Vina Score

(SiteSeeker2) +
Q02394_4 JJF
RAW_803_1cqp 13.86
STD_803_1cqp 13.86
RAW_Simvastatin_pubchem_54454 14.34
STD_Simvastatin_pubchem_54454 14.34
RAW_Lovastatin_pubchem_53232 14.42
STD_Lovastatin_pubchem_53232 14.42
RAW_FE9_4jjfA 16.31
RAW_FE9_4yt4A 19.91
RAW_I2C_3f47A 22.35
STD_F42_3iqe 26.34
RAW_F42_3iqe 26.99
STD_SimvastatinAcid_pubchem_64718 27.23
STD_SIM_1hw9 27.66
STD_LovastatinAcid_pubchem_64727 27.92
RAW_SimvastatinAcid_pubchem_64718 29.52
RAW_LovastatinAcid_pubchem_64727 29.89
RAW_SIM_1hw9 30.68
STD_882_2q1l 33.31
RAW_882_2q1l 33.87
STD_116_1hwj 34.04
STD_H4M_1y60 39.54
RAW_116_1hwj 39.92
RAW_H4M_1y60 40.86
RAW_F42_3b4yA 54.70
STD_F420_pubchem_123996 56.39
RAW_H4M_3h65A_1607662 58.46
STD_F42_4qvb 61.33
RAW_F42_4qvb 62.72
RAW_F420_pubchem_123996 64.00
STD_F420_pubchem_123996 64.00
RAW_F42_1jayA 67.77
STD_F420_pubchem_123996 69.50
STD_H4M_3h65A 72.91
STD_HMG_1dq9 107.17
STD_FE9_4jjfA 111.50
STD_FE9_4yt4A 286.45
STD_F42_3b4yA 571.39
STD_F42_1jayA 835.97
RAW_HMG_1dq9 2671.39
STD_I2C_3f47A 12109.50