Table 3. Average AutoDock Vina scores over the top-two sites (see Table 2).
Statin ligands highlighted in green are lactone form, or red if hydroxyacid form. F420 ligands are in blue. Tautomeric representations are included in each average. Standardized ligands are prefixed with “STD_,” those without standardization are prefixed with “RAW_” (see text). Ligand names have suffixes containing either the PDB entry they were originally extracted from, or their respective PubChem 29 CIDs.
Ligand |
Vina Score A5UMI1_3I QZB (SiteSeeker2) + Q02394_4 JJF (SiteSeeker) |
RAW_803_1cqp | 13.86 |
STD_803_1cqp | 13.86 |
RAW_Simvastatin_pubchem_54454 | 14.34 |
STD_Simvastatin_pubchem_54454 | 14.34 |
RAW_Lovastatin_pubchem_53232 | 14.42 |
STD_Lovastatin_pubchem_53232 | 14.42 |
RAW_FE9_4jjfA | 16.31 |
RAW_FE9_4yt4A | 19.91 |
RAW_I2C_3f47A | 22.35 |
STD_F42_3iqe | 26.34 |
RAW_F42_3iqe | 26.99 |
STD_SimvastatinAcid_pubchem_64718 | 27.23 |
STD_SIM_1hw9 | 27.66 |
STD_LovastatinAcid_pubchem_64727 | 27.92 |
RAW_SimvastatinAcid_pubchem_64718 | 29.52 |
RAW_LovastatinAcid_pubchem_64727 | 29.89 |
RAW_SIM_1hw9 | 30.68 |
STD_882_2q1l | 33.31 |
RAW_882_2q1l | 33.87 |
STD_116_1hwj | 34.04 |
STD_H4M_1y60 | 39.54 |
RAW_116_1hwj | 39.92 |
RAW_H4M_1y60 | 40.86 |
RAW_F42_3b4yA | 54.70 |
STD_F420_pubchem_123996 | 56.39 |
RAW_H4M_3h65A_1607662 | 58.46 |
STD_F42_4qvb | 61.33 |
RAW_F42_4qvb | 62.72 |
RAW_F420_pubchem_123996 | 64.00 |
STD_F420_pubchem_123996 | 64.00 |
RAW_F42_1jayA | 67.77 |
STD_F420_pubchem_123996 | 69.50 |
STD_H4M_3h65A | 72.91 |
STD_HMG_1dq9 | 107.17 |
STD_FE9_4jjfA | 111.50 |
STD_FE9_4yt4A | 286.45 |
STD_F42_3b4yA | 571.39 |
STD_F42_1jayA | 835.97 |
RAW_HMG_1dq9 | 2671.39 |
STD_I2C_3f47A | 12109.50 |