Stimuli and procedure. Each trial started with a central fixation point lasting for 1 s, then two patches of dots were presented for 200 ms. Subjects were asked to indicate which of the two patches contained more dots by appropriate key-press. In separate sessions, stimuli were presented centrally, or centered at 5° or 15° left and right of fixation point. In the central condition, the two patches were presented sequentially with an interstimulus interval of 450 ms. Box at right: examples of blurred stimuli for two sample numerosities (24 at left, 250 right). The blur of the dots was manipulated by convolving a raw image of a dot with Gaussian filters of various standard deviations corresponding to Gaussians with full width at half height of 0.05, 0.12, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 degrees of visual angle.