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. 2016 May 25;2(1):e23. doi: 10.2196/publichealth.5476

Table 5.

HIV testing behaviors of HIV-negative or unknown status MSM participants in the American Men's Internet Survey, United States, 2014.

HIV testing behaviors
Participant characteristics N in sample HIV tested ever HIV tested past 12 months
n (%) P -valuea N (%) P -valuea

Black non-Hispanic 323 287 (88.85) .503 213 (65.94) .221

Hispanic 1136 981 (86.36) .544 706 (62.15) .290

White non-Hispanic 6103 5299 (86.83) REF 3454 (56.60) REF

Other or multiple races 637 558 (87.60) .469 406 (63.74) .308
Age (years)

15-24 1321 892 (67.52) <.001 699 (52.91) <.001

25-29 1111 997 (89.74) .006 742 (66.79) <.001

30-39 1711 1547 (90.41) <.001 1037 (60.61) .498

40 or older 4056 3689 (90.95) REF 2301 (56.73) REF
NHBS city residentb

Yes 3089 2787 (90.22) <.001 1992 (64.49) <.001

No 5110 4338 (84.89) REF 2787 (54.54) REF
Recruitment website type

Gay social networking 354 280 (79.10) <.001 172 (48.59) <.001

General gay interest 337 304 (90.21) .054 188 (55.79) .068

General social networking 5433 4662 (85.81) REF 2881 (53.03) REF

Geospatial social networking 2075 1879 (90.55) <.001 1538 (74.12) <.001
TOTAL 8199 7125 (86.90)
4799 (58.53)

aWald chi-square from multivariable logistic regression comparing behavior (yes versus no) among group with some characteristic compared with a referent (REF) group.

bNHBS: National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System.