Figure 5.
NCS EEG spectral content is higher than ICSS in NREMS but not in REMS. Means and standard errors of (A) NREMS EEG SWA (1–4 Hz), (B) NREMS EEG spectral power (1–20 Hz) during ZT 6–8, (C) REMS EEG theta activity (6–9 Hz), and (D) REMS EEG spectral power (1–20 Hz) during ZT 12–14 after NCS (gray circles) and ICSS-2 (black circles), shown as difference from baseline. Gray background indicates lights off. NCS baseline versus recovery: *P < 0.05. ICSS-2 baseline versus recovery: +P < 0.05. ICSS-2 versus NCS: aP < 0.05. ICSS, intracranial self-stimulation; NCS, noncontingent stimulation; NREMS, nonrapid eye movement sleep; REMS, rapid eye movement sleep; SWA, slow wave activity; ZT, Zeitgeber time.