Oxyntomodulin responses are blunted in type 2 diabetic subjects and 10-fold elevated after gastric bypass surgery.
This figure illustrates the concentrations of oxyntomodulin (red) and glicentin (black) in A: 10 healthy subjects (squares, full line) and 10 patients with type 2 diabetes (triangles, dotted line) during a standard OGTT challenge; B: Illustrates calculated incremental AUC of data presented in A; 18 obese non diabetic patients during a standardized meal challenge before (C), 1 month after gastric bypass (D) and 6 months after gastric bypass (E). F: tAUC calculated based on data from C,D,E. Data are mean ± SEM. Asterisk (*) represents statistical significant differences by a unpaired t-test (B) or one-way ANOVA correcting for multiple testing by Bonferroni post hoc analysis (F).