Innovative Weight Loss Support via Mobile Technology and Social Networks (Y1/Y2) |
Business, Medicine, Engineering |
Incorporated into an LLC (HealtheTrek)
Developed a beta application for testing on 120 users
Received $40,000 continuation funding from AoC to refine and develop product
Received Letter of Interest from Blue Cross/Blue Shield Innovation Fund
Union Square Family Health, Somerville, MA |
Integrating Oral Health into Diabetes Group Visit Models (Y1) |
Dentistry, Medicine |
Windsor Street Health Center, Cambridge, MA |
Reducing Barriers to Care: Reproductive Health Group Visits at Malden High School (Y1/Y2) |
Education, Medicine, Public Health |
Started high school-based health services for the first time since 1986 with 50 students screened and counseled on STDs in Y1
Received $40,000 in continuation funding from AoC in order to scale up services
Received funding from City of Malden to establish permanent school-based clinic
Obtained part-time staffing of clinic by Tufts Family Medicine residents and attending
Malden Family Health Center, Malden, MA |
Novel Educational Game for Improving Adherence in Pediatric Asthma Patients (Y1) |
Business, Medicine, Public Health |
Developed beta type of a game to improve adherence in pediatric asthma patients
Due to the amount of time to code and create a virtual game, this product was not tested by the end of the grant year
Dimock Community Health Center, Roxbury, MA |
Tai Chi for Improved Balance and Wellness among the elderly (Y2) |
Business, Public Health, Medicine |
Developed a protocol and tool kit for starting Tai Chi classes at CHCs with instructional videos
43 Tai Chi classes held, with an average of 10 participants per class
Bowdin Street Health Center, Dorchester, MA |
Trial of new clinical position: Adolescent Health Coach (Y2) |
Medicine, Public Health, Pediatrics Resident, Physician Assistant, Policy |
54 youths screened and added to the health coach caseload
Standard operating procedures developed for integration of adolescent health coach into CHC
Position of adolescent health coach became a permanent position funded by clinic budget
Chelsea Health Center, Chelsea, MA |
Closing the Loop between pharmacy and clinicians (Y2) |
Medicine, Public Health, Business |
Joseph M Smith Health Center, Boston, MA |
Refer Smarter to decrease wait time for specialist visits (Y2) |
Medicine, Business |
Codman Square Health Center, Dorchester, MA |