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. 2015 Dec;35(10):173–183. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.35.10.01

TABLE 1. Distribution of participant characteristics by nutrition facts table conditions.

Characteristic Overall (n = 2010) Current NFt (control) (n = 336) Standardized serving-size (n = 335) Low/medium/high descriptors for % DV (n = 336) Standardized serving-size + low/medium/high descriptors for % DV (n = 334) Colour-coded % DV (n = 335) Standardized serving-size + colour-coded % DV (n = 334) Chi-square p value
% (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n)
Age, years
 16–18 50.0 (1004) 53.9 (181) 49.0 (164) 52.7 (177) 46.7 (156) 49.9 (168) 48.2 (161) 5.0 .42
 19–24 50.1 (1006) 46.1 (155) 51.0 (171) 47.3 (159) 53.3 (178) 50.2 (167) 51.8 (173)
 Female 50.2 (1008) 43.5 (146) 52.2 (175) 50.3 (169) 52.4 (175) 52.2 (175) 50.3 (168) 7.9 .16
 Male 49.9 (1002) 56.6 (190) 47.8 (160) 49.7 (167) 47.6 (159) 47.8 (160) 49.7 (166)
Education level
 Low (high school or less) 56.7 (1139) 54.8 (184) 56.7 (190) 56.9 (191) 58.7 (196) 56.4 (189) 56.6 (189) 2.3 .99
 Medium (college or some university) 31.0 (624) 32.4 (109) 31.0 (104) 29.8 (100) 29.3 (98) 32.5 (109) 31.1 (104)
 High (university degree or higher) 12.3 (247) 12.8 (43) 12.2 (41) 13.4 (45) 12.0 (40) 11.0 (37) 12.3 (41)
 White 58.4 (1174) 55.4 (186) 59.4 (199) 59.5 (200) 57.2 (191) 57.3 (192) 61.7 (206) 3.4 .63
 Other 41.6 (836) 44.6 (150) 40.6 (136) 40.5 (136) 42.8 (143) 42.7 (143) 38.3 (128)
 Atlantic 8.8 (173) 8.2 (27) 11.6 (38) 10.3 (34) 7.3 (24) 7.3 (24) 7.9 (26) 19.8 .18
 Western 42.5 (838) 43.8 (144) 45.3 (148) 41.5 (137) 43.2 (142) 38.5 (127) 42.6 (140)
 Ontario 42.5 (839) 40.1 (132) 37.0 (121) 43.6 (144) 44.1 (145) 45.5 (150) 44.7 (147)
 Quebec 6.3 (124) 7.9 (26) 6.1 (20) 4.6 (15) 5.5 (18) 8.8 (29) 4.9 (16)
 Full-time 24.1 (474) 22.3 (73) 24.8 (81) 22.5 (74) 25.6 (84) 23.2 (76) 26.4 (86) 16.8 .67
 Part-time 32.9 (646) 31.2 (102) 34.3 (112) 33.7 (111) 30.2 (99) 33.3 (109) 34.7 (113)
 Unemployed (looking for work) 13.2 (260) 13.5 (44) 10.7 (35) 14.3 (47) 14.6 (48) 14.4 (47) 12.0 (39)
 Unemployed (not looking, includes full-time students) 28.5 (559) 30.6 (100) 28.1 (92) 28.6 (94) 29.3 (96) 28.1 (92) 26.1 (85)
 Unable to work 1.3 (25) 2.5 (8) 2.1 (7) 0.91 (3) 0.3 (1) 0.92 (3) 0.92 (3)
Food shopping and meal preparation responsibilities in household
 Most responsible for food shopping in household 6.4 (126) 5.8 (19) 6.4 (21) 5.4 (18) 7.9 (26) 6.4 (21) 6.5 (21) 19.2 .20
 Most responsible for meal preparation in household 7.4 (145) 4.6 (15) 8.5 (21) 8.8 (29) 7.6 (25) 8.2 (27) 6.5 (21)
 Most responsible for both food shopping and meal preparation in household 16.2 (320) 20.5 (67) 17.3 (57) 18.1 (60) 12.2 (40) 16.4 (54) 12.9 (42)
 Not responsible for either 70.0 (1379) 69.1 (226) 67.8 (223) 67.7 (224) 72.3 (238) 69 (227) 74.2 (241)
Knowledge of calorie recommendations
 Correct understanding of recommended calorie intake 60.0 (1194) 60.2 (200) 62.4 (206) 63.8 (213) 51.7 (171) 60.0 (197) 62.7 (207) 13.5 .02
 Incorrect understanding of recommended calorie intake 40.0 (797) 39.8 (132) 37.6 (124) 36.2 (121) 48.3 (160) 41.0 (137) 37.3 (123)
Self-reported diet quality
 Fair or poor 38.1 (766) 38.7 (130) 36.4 (122) 39.6 (133) 40.4 (135) 36.1 (121) 37.4 (125) 3.6 .97
 Good 34.9 (702) 34.8 (117) 35.8 (120) 35.1 (118) 31.4 (105) 36.4 (122) 35.9 (120)
 Excellent or very good 27.0 (542) 26.5 (89) 27.8 (93) 25.3 (85) 28.1 (94) 27.5 (92) 26.7 (89)
Personal Weight Goal
 To gain weight 15.6 (310) 16.6 (55) 15.2 (50) 12.4 (41) 12.7 (42) 17.4 (58) 19.6 (64) 22.2 .10
 To lose weight 40.3 (799) 35.1 (116) 40.0 (132) 42.2 (140) 43.7 (145) 43.8 (146) 36.7 (120)
 To maintain weight 23.5 (467) 23.3 (77) 25.8 (85) 24.7 (82) 21.7 (72) 22.2 (74) 23.6 (77)
 Not trying to do anything about weight 20.6 (409) 25.1 (83) 19.1 (63) 20.8 (69) 22.0 (73) 16.5 (55) 20.2 (66)

Abbreviations: NFt, nutrition facts table; % DV, percent daily value.

Notes: Totals may not sum to final sample size, reflecting missing values for some respondents. In each case, missing values represent < 3% of the total sample. Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.