Table 1.
Primary targeta (Natural abundance) | Product (Half-life) | Gamma-raysb (Branching ratio) | Daughter (Half-life) |
Cu foil: | |||
63Cu (69.2%) | 63Zn (38.5 min.) | 670 keV (8.2%) 962 keV (6.5%) |
63Cu (stable) |
65Cu (30.9%) | 65Zn (244 d) | 1116 keV (50.0%) | 65Cu (stable) |
Cr foil: | |||
52Cr (83.8%) | 52Mn (5.6 d) | 1434 keV (100%) 936 keV (94.5%) 744 keV (90.0%) 1334 keV (5.1%) 1246 keV (4.2%) 848 keV (3.3%) |
52Cr (stable) |
52Cr (83.8%) | 52mMn (21.1 m) | 1434 keV (98.3%) 378 keV (1.7%) |
52Cr (stable) 52Mn (5.6 d) |
54Cr (2.4%) | 54Mn (312 d) | 835 keV (99.98%) | 54Cr (stable) |
References; Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File database, N.N.D.C., Brookhaven National Laboratory (ENSDF/NNDC/BNL).
All of the product isotopes in this table are produced primarily by (p,n) reactions from proton bombardment of Ep <15 MeV.
In our analysis, we only considered gamma-rays that were emitted by only one isotope/isomer, so the 1434 keV gamma-ray emitted by 52,52mMn was excluded. (Nuclear data accessed via: (BNL/NNDC/ENSDF))