Figure 1. Dietary emulsifiers alter microbiota localization, composition, and pro-inflammatory potential.
WT and IL10−/− mice were exposed to drinking water containing CMC or P80 (1.0%) for 12 weeks. (A-C, E-G) Confocal microscopy analysis of microbiota localization; Muc2 (green), actin (purple), bacteria (red), and DNA (Blue). Bar = 20μm. (D, H) Distances of closest bacteria to intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) per condition over 5 high-powered fields per mouse. Pictures are representatives of 20 biological replicates. (I, K) PCR-based quantification of bacterial load adhered to colonic mucosa. (J, L). Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of the UniFrac distance matrix of WT (J) and IL10−/− (L) mice. Black dashed ellipses indicate mice sharing a cage during treatment. (M-P) Bioactive levels of fecal flagellin and LPS assayed with TLR5 and TLR4 reporter cells. (Q-R) Intestinal permeability measured by levels of serum FITC-dextran (4kDa) following oral gavage. Data are the means +/- S.E.M. or geometric means with 95% confidence interval (for I and K) (n=20 for A-H and M-P; n=6 for I except n=8 for P80-treated group; n=5 for J except n=4 for P80-treated group; n=6 for K except n=7 for water-treated group; for L n=10, 4 and 5 for water, CMC and P80-treated groups, respectively; n=14 for Q, for R n=10, 11 and 15 for water, CMC and P80-treated groups, respectively). Points in I-L and Q-R are from individual mice. Significance was determined using one-way ANOVA corrected for multiple comparisons with Sidak test or two-way ANOVA corrected for multiple comparisons with Bonferroni test, * indicates p<0.05 compared to water-treated group.