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. 2016;36:155–160.

Table I.

Univariate Comparison of Patient demographics and procedural characteristics between non-readmitted and readmitted patients*

Characteristic Not Readmitted n=16262 Readmitted n= 1503 P Value
Age, Mean (SD), yrs 79.87(11.42) 80.52(10.66) 0.0257
Female 71.09 66.13 <0.0001
Race <0.0001
Black 2.87 3.73
White 73.61 82.97
Other 23.51 13.31
BMI (kg/m2) 0.0546
≤ 35.0 95.39 94.24
>35 4.61 5.76
Current Alcohol Abuse 4.38 3.85 0.7719
Current Smoker 11.94 13.51 0.0749
Recent Weight Loss 1.35 1.53 0.5569
Dyspnea 6.77 10.91 <0.0001
COPD 10.74 16.1 <0.0001
CHF 3.31 5.72 <0.0001
Hypertension 66.57 75.18 <0.0001
Diabetes 17.1 20.69 0.0004
PVD 2.22 5.38 0.0247
Disseminated Cancer 2.36 3.66 0.0019
Steroid Use 5.65 7.72 0.0011
Bleeding Disorder 16.01 23.55 <0.0001
Dialysis 1.76 3.26 <0.0001
Chemotherapy within 30 Days 1.32 0.77 1
Radiation Therapy w/in 90 Days 0.6 0 1
Prior Operation w/in 30 Days 0.71 2.26 0.0902
ASA Class <0.0001
1 or 2 – No or Mild disturbance 20.82 11.56
3 - Severe Disturbance 61.83 63.24
4 - Life Threatening Disturbance 17.35 25.2
Operative Variables
Outpatient 0.31 0.2 0.6242
Emergency Case 33.54 29.74 0.0028
Operative time, hours
> 4 0.66 1 0.1259
≤ 4 99.34 99
Total Case Relative Value Units 18.29(2.68) 18.42(3.05) 0.1289
Length of stay, days 0.0018
> 4 61.04 65.14
≤ 4 38.96 34.86
Case Type 0.0004
CPT 27125 – Hemiarthroplasty 17.11 18.83
CPT 27130 Total Hip Arthroplasty 4.24 4.86
CPT 27236 ORIF 28.78 32.34
CPT 27244 Plate/Screws 17.64 14.5
CPT 27245 – IM Rod 32.23 29.47

*All values listed as percentages except where noted.