(A) Data is presented as the change in counts per minute (ΔCPM) between stimulated and unstimulated groups (A) T-cells responses inSV1/CFA, M5/CFA or PBS/CFA immunized rats following restimulation with SV1, M5, cardiac myosin or collagen. (B) T cell responses in SV1/alum, M5/alum or PBS/alum immunized rats following restimulation with SV1, M5, cardiac myosin or collagen. (C) Representative histology sections of Lewis rat cardiac tissues (x100 magnification) following immunization with recombinant M5-protein, SV1 or PBS with Freund’s adjuvant. Areas of inflammation are indicated with a black arrow. A higher magnification image (x400) of an inflamed mitral valve from a rat immunized with M5 is shown. Mice that received PBS only or SV1 as antigen had no evidence of inflammatory changes in cardiac tissue.