Table 1.
Classification of prostatitis accordig to National Institutes of Health
Category | Definition | Description |
I | Acute bacterial prostatitis | characterized by sudden fever, perineal and suprapubic pain and voiding symptoms. |
The urine shows signs of a urinary tract infection. | ||
II | Chronic bacterial prostatitis | characterized by symptoms of prostatitis (pain, voiding symptoms) for more than 3 months with recurrent bacterial urinary tract infection. |
III | The CPPS | characterized by pain and voiding symptoms for more than 3 months, without detection of bacterial pathogens using standard microbiological methods. The CPPS is divided into two subcategories: |
IIIa | The inflammatory CPPS | characterized by a chronic pelvic pain syndrome with signs of prostate inflammation (leukospermia or white blood cells in expressed prostate secretion). The culture of semen, EPS and urine after post-prostatic massage are negative. |
IIIb | The noninflammatory CPPS | characterized by a chronic pelvic pain syndrome without signs of prostatic inflammation (see category IIIA). |
IV | Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis | Patients have evidence for prostate inflammation (leukospermia, white blood cells in expressed prostate secretions, positive cultures or inflammation in tissue biopsies) without pelvic pain or voiding symptoms. |
CPPS = Chronic pelvic pain syndrome; EPS = espressed prostatic secretion.