Figure 1. Drift and mixing concur to keep a high degree of worldwide homogeneity in the Emperor penguin.
All currently known Emperor penguin colonies20,35 are represented by orange dots; sampled colonies by coloured circles. (a) Estimated pairwise migration rates (outer coloured links) and Fst (inner dashed links) between sampled colonies. Migrations as estimated from joint allele-frequency spectra. Colours refer to the receiving populations (DDU, Pointe Géologie near Dumont D'Urville station; HAL, Halley Bay; MZW, Mertz West; MZE, Mertz East; NEU, Neumayer; WSH, Cape Washington). Dashed circle: Antarctic polar circle (S66°33'). (b) Neighbour-net based on pairwise identity-by-state between all sampled individuals. Branch lengths represent pairwise Hamming distances. Colours correspond to colonies on map a.