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. 2013 Mar 7;17(4):844–852. doi: 10.1017/S1368980013000177

Table 1.

Age-standardized baseline characteristics by quintile of the predicted 25(OH)D score* among 42 730 men participating in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, USA, 1986–2006

Q1 Q3 Q5
Mean or % sd Mean or % sd Mean or % sd
% 20 20 20
n 8513 8308 8704
Age (years) 54 9·6 54 9·7 54 9·8
Race (%)
Caucasian 87 96 97
African American 4 0·1
Asian 6 0·9 0·1
BMI (kg/m2) 27·2 3·6 25·5 3·2 23·7 2·4
Smokers (%)
Never 45 48 52
Current 12 9 6
Former 43 43 42
Diabetes (%) 4 3 3
Alcohol (g/d) 11·7 17·0 11·3 15·4 11·0 13·9
Physical activity (MET/week) 5·0 7·6 18·4 22·5 42·4 38·9
Dentist (%) 53 58 65
Married (%) 91 91 88
Region (%)
Northeast/Mid-Atlantic 26 23 16
South/Southwest 36 42 59
Midwest/Pacific Northwest 37 35 24
Periodontitis (%)† 17 16 14
Number of teeth (%)
25–32 81 84 87
17–24 13 12 10
11–16 3 2 2
1–10 2 2 1
Vitamin D from food (μg/d) 4·53 2·55 6·48 3·55 8·45 4·05
Vitamin D from supplements (μg/d) 1·70 4·5 3·53 6·20 5·43 7·05

25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, Q1, lowest quintile; Q3, middle quintile; Q5, highest quintile; MET, metabolic equivalents.


Values are standardized to the age distribution of the study population. Percentages may not sum to 100 % due to rounding.

Men with periodontitis at baseline were excluded from the incident periodontitis analysis.