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. 2013 Mar 7;17(4):844–852. doi: 10.1017/S1368980013000177

Table 3.

Multivariable association between predicted 25(OH)D score components and tooth loss* among 42 730 men participating in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, USA, 1986–2006

Variable HR† 95 % CI P value P value for trend
UV-B flux (J/cm2)
<461 (ref.) 1·00 <0·0001
461–<628 0·93 0·90, 0·97 0·001
≥628 0·86 0·82, 0·90 <0·0001
BMI (kg/m2)
<22·0 (ref.) 1·00 <0·0001
22·0–24·9 0·99 0·92, 1·05 0·68
25·0–29·9 1·10 1·03, 1·18 <0·01
30·0–34·9 1·28 1·18, 1·39 <0·0001
≥35·0 1·58 1·39, 1·79 <0·0001
Physical activity (MET/week)
Q5 (ref.) 1·00 0·01
Q4 0·99 0·93, 1·04 0·62
Q3 0·99 0·93, 1·04 0·63
Q2 1·02 0·96, 1·07 0·59
Q1 1·07 1·01, 1·13 0·03
Caucasian (ref.) 1·00
African American 1·17 0·98, 1·40 0·08
Asian 1·21 1·06, 1·38 0·004
Other 0·99 0·90, 1·09 0·85
Vitamin D from food (μg/d)
≥10·00 (ref.) 1·00 0·98
7·50–9·99 0·94 0·89, 1·00 0·05
5·00–7·49 0·95 0·90, 1·00 0·05
2·50–4·99 0·98 0·93, 1·04 0·56
<2·50 0·97 0·89, 1·04 0·39
Vitamin D from supplements (μg/d)
≥10·00 (ref.) 1·00 0·20
5·00–9·99 0·92 0·87, 0·98 0·01
0·025–4·99 0·91 0·85, 0·97 0·003
0 0·96 0·90, 1·02 0·19

25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D; HR, hazard ratio; Q5–Q1, quintile 5–quintile 1; ref., reference category; MET, metabolic equivalents.


Predicted 25(OH)D score not included in model.

Model adjusted for all predictor score covariates presented in the model including smoking (CSI, comprehensive smoking index), pipe (yes/no), chewing tobacco (yes/no), multivitamin use (yes/no), vitamin E (quintiles), vitamin C (quintiles), dental profession (dentist/non-dentist), alcohol consumption (0, 0·1–4·9, 5·0–14·9, 15·0–29·9, ≥30·0 g/d), routine physical examination (yes/no) and diabetes (yes/no).