Table 1.
Thioredoxin superfamily members with canonical active site sequences based on Pfam database and NCBI protein blast against human TRX1 and C. elegans TRX-1. */**Based on * or **NCBI protein blast against human genome. ***Dnj-27 has also CGHC motif.
Thioredoxin family members with CGPC motif | ||
Thioredoxin family member in C. elegans | Mammalian homolog*/** | Function in C. elegans |
DNJ-27*** | DNAJC10 | UPRER/ERAD64 |
PNG-1 | NGLY1 | Axon branching69 Deglycosylation76 |
TRX-1 | TRX1 | Life span regulation66 Neuronal regulation121 Dauer formation70 |
TRX-2 | TRX2 | Neuronal regulation121 Induced upon UPRMito65 |
TRX-3 | NXNL2 | Pathogen protection63 |
TRX-4 | TRX1 | Predicted protein disulfide oxidoreductase activity* |
TRX-5 | NXNL2 | unknown |
TXL-1 | TXNL1 | unknown |
Y55F3AR.2 | TXNL1 | Predicted protein disulfide oxidoreductase activity* |
Thioredoxin family members with CGHC motif of PDIs | ||
C14B9.2 | PDIA4 | Induced upon UPRER122 predicted function in oxidative protein folding* |
F35G2.1 | QSOX1/QSOX2 | Predicted thiol oxidase activity* |
PDI-1 | PDIA1 | Disulfide isomerase50 |
PDI-2 | PDIA1 | Development51 Extracell. matrix formation51 Disulfide isomerase50 |
PDI-3 | PDIA3 | Disulfide isomerase50 Extracell. matrix assembly50 |
PDI-6 | PDIA6 | Larval development 52 Predicted isomerase activity* |
T10H10.2 | QSOX1/QSOX2 | Sma/Mab pathway123 Predicted thiol oxidase activity* |
Y49E10.4 | PDIA6 | Predicted isomerase activity* Locomotion, molting cycle, vulva development, growth* |