C) Comparing the full (
Equations 20–23) and the reduced model
Equations A99-A100) of the optimal response. The estimates of the mean presynaptic membrane potential by the full model (A, grey) and the reduced model (A, black) are nearly identical. The error of the reduced model (quantified as the mean squared difference between the two models normalized by the variance of the full model) decreases monotonically with increasing correlations in the presynaptic population (
B) and remains bounded as the number of neurons increases (
C). (
D) Steady state posterior variance,
, as a function of the posterior mean,
, in the reduced model (
Equation A100). (
E) Comparing the linear-nonlinear model and the optimal response. Black dots: the optimal response against the output of the linear model,
Equation 24). Blue line: sigmoidal nonlinearity operating in the linear-nonlinear model at the arrival of spikes,
Equation A103). Orange line: the result of numerically fitting a sigmoidal nonlinearity in the canonical model (
Equation 25) to the optimal response. Parameters were
Hz (A–C), or
Hz (D–E), and
(A–E), and
A) or as indicated on the x-axis (
B) or in the legend (
C). For details, see Appendix B.