Figure 2.
(A) Representative stain of CCR7 and CD45RA expression on memory CD4 T cells from the FGT (left panel). Cells were gated by CCR7 expression and measured for the expression on CD69 and CD103 (right panel). (B,C) FGT CD4 T cells were gated by CCR7 expression and measured for CD69 (B) or CD103 expression expression (D) CD4 T cell chemotactic function to CCL19 and CCL21 (gray bar n=8). (E) FGT CD4 T cell migration to CCL19/21 shown by change in % of CD4 T cells that migrated in complete media compared to CD4 T cells that migrated to CCL19/21 chemokines (n=7). (D, E) Dotted line represent chemotactic index of 1.