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. 2016 Jun 20;3(2):ENEURO.0053-16.2016. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0053-16.2016

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Projection Fractions in Controls and CSR Mice. A, A plot of projection fractions (normalized by injection volume) across all mice (y-axis) and all regions (x-axis). B, Correlations of projection fraction patterns in mice with injection site. The mouse with the most extreme distance in injection location is taken as the basis for correlation (and is by definition equal to one). All regions were first normalized to have unit means to account for differences between injections. Without this normalization, the mean pairwise correlation of all animals is 0.903 ± 0.07. Distance in micrometers is measured to the center of the injection site from the midline (826 ± 140, left), the midline merging of the anterior commissure (1771 ± 262, middle) or the pial surface (636± 60, right). Values are given for Pearson’s rho. C, Left, Box plot of the condition influence, kcj, of the GLM for all regions. A positive kcj indicates that the control group has a higher connectivity than the CSR group (see Results for details). Right, An expanded version that is aligned and color-coded to match the subdivision in major anatomical regions.