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. 2016 Jun 20;7:108. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00108

Table 1.

Studies on mental pain and suicide in samples with mood disorders.

Study Title Aim Sample information Measure of mental pain Measure of suicide
Berlim et al. (21) Psychache and suicidality in adult mood disordered outpatients in Brazil To assess the prediction that psychache (as derived by psychological quality of life) is associated with suicidality over and above depressive symptoms, hopelessness, interpersonal, and physical domains of quality of life Sample size: 60 diagnosed depressed adult patients
Mean age: 49.6 (SD 12.41) years
Female: 83%
WHO-QOL psychological domain (6 items) BDI suicidality item; MINI questions about suicidality
Caceda et al. (23) Impulsive choice and psychological pain in acutely suicidal depressed patients To examine the relationship of psychological pain and choice impulsivity with acute suicidal behavior Sample size: 82 participants divided into four groups; G1, suicide attempters (20); G2, suicide ideators (22); G3, depressed controls (20); G4, healthy controls (20)
Mean age: G1 = 36.4 (SD = 3.8) years, G2 = 43.1 (SD = 2.7) years, G3 = 46.2 (SD = 2.5) years, G4 = 39.3 (SD = 4.5) years
Female: G1 = 60%, G2 = 50%, G3 = 65%, G4 = 50%
Huanhuan et al. (24) Clarifying the role of psychological pain in the risks of suicidal ideation and suicidal acts among patients with major depressive episodes To further investigate the role of psychological pain in suicidal ideation and suicidal acts among patients with major depressive episodes Sample size: 111 depressed patients divided into two groups; G1, depressed patients with a history of suicide attempts (28); G2, depressed patients with no history of suicide attempts (83)
Mean age: G1 = 28.93 (SD = 12.37), G2 = 33.99 (SD = 12.63)
Female: G1 = 71%, G2 = 60%
Structured clinical interview assessing suicidal acts that include some degree of seriousness and/or lethality
Mee et al. (3) Assessment of psychological pain in major depressive episodes To evaluate, developing a brief measure of psychological pain, the role of psychological pain in suicide, and depression Sample size: 168 participants divided into two groups; G1, major depressive episode patients (73); G2, non-psychiatric controls (95)
Mean age: G1 males = 54.00 (SD = 12) and females = 46.00 (SD = 17); G2 males = 55.00 (SD = 17) and females = 45.00 (SD = 17)
Female: G1 = 38%, G2 = 40%
Meerwijk and Weiss (26) Does suicidal desire moderate the association between frontal delta power and psychological pain? To investigate the moderating effect of recent suicidal desire on the association between resting-state neurophysiological parameters and psychological pain Sample size: 35 adults with a history of depression, divided into two groups
Mean age: 34.91 (SD = 11.60)
Female: 77%
Olié et al. (22) Higher psychological pain during a major depressive episode may be a factor of vulnerability to suicidal ideation and act To test the hypothesis that higher psychological pain during a major depressive episode may represent a trait of vulnerability to suicidal ideation and suicidal acts Sample size: 210 patients divided into three groups; G1, recent suicide attempters (87); G2, former suicide attempters (61); G3,
non-suicide attempters (62)
Mean age: G1 = 40 (NA) years, G2 = 38 (NA) years, G3 = 38 (NA) years
Female: G1 = 67%, G2 = 74%, G3 = 73%
Three items assessing intensity of psychological pain currently and during the last 15 days (including usual and maximum) Two items measuring intensity of suicidal ideation and frequency of suicidal ideation
van Heeringen et al. (25) The functional neuroanatomy of mental pain in depression To evaluate neurofunctional aspects of mental pain related to suicidality Sample size: 39 depressed patients divided into three groups; G1, 13 patients with low levels of mental pain; G2, 13 patients with medium levels of mental pain; G3, 13 patients with high levels of mental pain
Mean age: G1 = 42.5 (SD = 15.0) years, G2 = 35.15 (SD = 12.9) years, G3 = 44.77 (SD = 15.3) years
Female: G1 = 53.8%, G2 = 61.5%, G3 = 53.8%
OMMP Item 9 of the BDI assessing occurrence and severity of suicidal ideation
Xie et al. (16) Anhedonia and pain avoidance in the suicidal mind: behavioral evidence for motivational manifestations of suicidal ideation in patients with major depressive disorder To provide empirical evidence for the relationship between anhedonia, psychological pain (i.e., pain avoidance), and suicidal ideation Sample size: 60 participants divided into three groups; G1, high suicide ideation participants (27 depressed patients); G2, low suicide ideation participants (13 depressed patients); G3 healthy control participants (20)
Mean age: G1 = 14.07 (SD = 3.03), G2 = 13.77 (SD = 3.39), G3 = 14.75 (SD = 2.83)
Female: G1 = 70.4%, G2 = 69.2%, G3 = 60.0%

NA, Not Available; G1, Group 1; G2, Group 2; G3, Group 3; G4, Group 4.

C-SSRS, Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; BSS, Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation; MBPPAS, Mee–Bunney Psychological Pain Assessment Scale; MINI, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview; OMMP, Orbach and Mikulincer Mental Pain Scale; PAS, Psychache Scale; SBQ, Suicidal Behavior Questionnaire; TDPPS, three-dimensional Psychological Pain Scale; TMPS, Tolerance for Mental Pain Scale; WHO-QOL, World Health Organization’s Quality of Life Instrument.