Overview of monocyte‐ and dendritic cell (DC) precursor‐dendritic DC differentiation in vitro and in vivo. Haematopoeitic stem cell‐derived granulocyte–monocyte precursors (GMP) give rise to monocyte‐and‐DC precursors (MDP), after which developmental pathways segregate into a DC lineage with common DC precursors (CDP) and into a monocytic lineage with common monocyte precursors (cMoP). CDP‐derived precursors exhibit early specialization to gut‐tropic mucosal DC precursors (pre‐μDC), regulated by retinoic acid (RA)6, 49 and classical DC precursors (pre‐cDC), and within the latter into cDC1 or cDC2 lineages in the bone marrow.80 Pre‐cDC and pre‐μDC then circulate through blood and home to tissues where they complete their differentiation under tissue‐specific influences.1, 6, 38, 49 The cMoP differentiate to human CD14+/mouse Ly6C+ monocytes and circulate through blood. Upon migration to tissues, they can fulfil various microenvironmentally specific functions.36 Green boxes delineate populations used for GM‐colony‐stimulating factor (GM‐CSF)‐dependent differentiation protocols in most studies addressing DC–vitamin D3 (VD3) interactions.