Figure 7.
In vivo consequences of NMD on DNA damage resistance and HR. (A) Plate assay measuring the sensitivity of wild-type (WDHY2217), nam7Δ (WDHY3865) and nmd2Δ (WDHY4012) strains to MMS. Serial dilutions (1:5) of cultures were spotted onto YPD containing 0.04% MMS and grown at 30°C for 4 days prior to imaging. (B) Plot showing Ade+ Ura+ recombination rates of the indicated strains (wild-type: WDHY2371; nmd2Δ: WDHY4650; nam7Δ:WDHY4660). Rates were defined as the number of events/cell/division. Error bars represent the 95% confidence interval, non-overlapping of error bars between two samples was deemed statistically significant.