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. 2016 May 31;13:21. doi: 10.3352/jeehp.2016.13.21

Table 1.

Survey results of the reaction of the trainees to the training program (N=48)

Questionnaire (in English) Average scorea)± standard deviation
The program's goals and objectives were clearly stated. 4.50±0.65
The material in the program was relevant to clinical practice at the district level. 4.70±0.52
The material in the program was well organized. 4.10±0.69
The instructor was knowledgeable of the subject matter. 4.77±0.45
The instructor was an effective communicator. 4.58±0.59
The instructor was well prepared. 4.50±0.59
The method of instruction was appropriate for this program. 4.54±0.63
There was sufficient opportunity for discussion and interaction. 4.08±0.67
There were enough practical sessions (bedside teaching) in the training program. 4.18±0.82
The handbook will be helpful to me. 4.87±0.38
The facilities were suitable. 4.29±0.68
The schedule was suitable. 4.29±0.63
I will be able to apply much of the material to clinical practice at the district level. 4.59±0.54
I feel that the program will help me improve my clinical practice at the district level. 4.75±0.44
Total 4.48±0.37

Five-point Likert scale: 1: strongly disagree, 2: disagree, 3: neutral, 4: agree, 5: strongly agree.