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. 2016 May 18;37(3):176–185. doi: 10.13918/j.issn.2095-8137.2016.3.176

Figure 3.

A: Lateral view of a typical individual. B: A row of plates showing the fine structure of five tier plates. C: Ciliary pattern at apical end of the body. D, E: Lateral view of the infraciliature, arrows indicate irregular ciliary rows. F, G: Lateral view of the infraciliature, arrow indicates irregular ciliary row. H, I: Lateral view of living individual and infraciliature of <italic>Levicoleps biwae biwae</italic>(from <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b14-ZoolRes-37-3-176">Foissner <italic>et al</italic>., 2008</xref>). J, K: <italic>Levicoleps biwae jejuensis</italic> collected from Jeju Island(<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b4-ZoolRes-37-3-176">Chen <italic>et al</italic>., 2016</xref>). L, M: <italic>Levicoleps taehwae</italic> collected from Taehwae River, South Korea(<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b4-ZoolRes-37-3-176">Chen <italic>et al</italic>., 2016</xref>). Abbreviations: AO, adoral organelle; AMT, anterior main tier; AST, anterior secondary tier; CAT, caudal tier; CC, caudal cilia; CK, circumoral kinety; CO, ciliary outlet; CV, contractile vacuole; Ma, macronucleus; MB, midbar; Mi, micronucleus; PC, perioral ciliature; PMT, posterior main tier; PR, plate processes; PST, posteriorsecondary tier; W, plate windows. Scale bars=50 μm(A, D-G), 20 μm(H-M).

Morphology and infraciliature of the Chinese population (A-G) and South Korean population (J, K) of Levicoleps biwae jejuensis, L. biwae biwae (H, I) , and L. taehwae (L, M)