Effect of BMS-955176 on virus replication within a single-cycle assay. (A) Time of addition study. Changes in the relative level of viral infection in cell culture 24 h postinfection were measured by firefly luciferase activity as a function of the time of addition of the following inhibitors: BMS-378806 (AI; closed squares), efavirenz (NNRTI; open squares), raltegravir (INSTI; crosses), nelfinavir (PI; closed triangles), BVM (MI; open circles), and BMS-955176 (MI, closed circle). The final concentrations of each inhibitor were as follows: BMS-378806, 0.36 μM; raltegravir, 0.73 μM; efavirenz, 0.5 μM; nelfinavir, 1 μM; BVM, 1 μM; and BMS-955176, 1 μM. (B and C) Antiviral profiles of selected ARVs of differing mechanisms in a single-cycle assay, with test compound added at stage 1 (B) or stage 2 (C) as described in the text. Test compounds included BMS-955176 (filled circles), nelfinavir (NFV; triangles), BMS-378806 (squares), and BVM (open circles). Panel A is a representative example of one of two studies giving similar results. Panels B and C show mean values, with standard deviations, for a representative experiment performed in triplicate. RLU, relative light units.