FIG 6.
Evaluation of Gag/Pr libraries derived from subtype B and C clinical isolates for BMS-955176 sensitivity in a multiple-cycle assay. (A) Multiple-cycle assay comparing responses of panels of all subtype B (closed circles) and C (open inverted triangles) gag/pr recombinant viruses for BMS-955176 sensitivity. Polymorphic subtype B (open triangles) is defined as a single change at Gag position 362, 369, 370, or 371 from WT subtype B (open circles). The median EC50 for WT subtype B is 2.5 nM; bars are interquartiles of medians. (B) Statistics for panel A; FC-EC50 = EC50 test assay/median value of EC50 for library of 51 WT (no changes to Gag 362, 369, 370, or 371) gag/pr recombinant viruses. *, 36/87 total subtype B viruses had key a single polymorphism in Gag at position 362, 369, 370, or 371. Each experimental point is the mean of triplicate determinations.