Figure 8. A dynamic phosphorylation of MeCP2 at S 164 is necessary to ensure proper neuronal dendritic branching and nuclear size.
(a,d) Representative images from DIV7 (a) and DIV 14 (d) neurons prepared from WT or Mecp2 KO E15 cortices. For each condition, under the GFP panel, the three squares show magnification of nuclei stained respectively with: MeCP2 (left), DAPI (centre); merged image is on the right. KO neurons were infected at 0 DIV with MeCP2 WT (KO+WT) or the S164A (KO+S164A) and S164D (KO+S164D) derivatives. (b,e) Quantification of dendritic branch complexity by Sholl analysis at DIV7 (b) and 14 (e) (data are presented as mean ± SEM) (See Supplementary information Fig. S2 for statistical analyses). (c,f) Quantification of nuclear diameter at DIV7 (c) and 14 (f) (data are represented as mean ± SEM, *p = < 0.05, **p = < 0.01, ***p = < 0.001, ****p = < 0.0001, one way ANOVA) (three animals per genotype at least 20 neurons per condition).