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. 2016 Mar;16(1):36–43. doi: 10.4314/ahs.v16i1.5

Table 2.

Association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] with pregnancy outcomes

Serum 25 OH concentration (ng/mL)
< 10 ng/mL (n=105) = 10 ng/mL (n=124) p
Age (years)a 28.85 ± 4.99 30.03 ± 4.73 0.067
Nulliparous, n (%) 39 (37.1) 42 (34.1) 0.63
Parous, n (%) 66 (62.9) 81 (65.9)
BMI (kg/m2)a 25.60 ± 4.8 25.03 ± 4.21 0.35
Education, n (%)b
0–5 years 41 (42.7) 34 (29.1) 0.10
6–8 years 14 (14.6) 24 (20.5)
=9 years 41 (42.7) 59 (50.4)
Smoking, n (%)c 6 (5.7) 9 (7.4) 0.81
Gestational age at serum collection (week)d 13.4 (11–14) 13.2 (11–14) 0.06
Gestational age at delivery (week)d 39 (34–41) 39 (24–41) 0.56
Season of blood sampling, n (%)b
Winter (November–April) 71 (68.3) 45 (36.6) < 0.0001
Summer (May–October) 33 (31.7) 78 (63.4)
Mean systolic BP at trial entry (mmHg)d 100 (80–165) 100 (80–140) 0.84
Mean diastolic BP at trial entry (mmHg)d 70 (50–95) 70 (50–100) 0.59
Maternal multivitamin use, n (%)b
Yes 49 (53.8) 69 (71.9) 0.011
No 42 (46.2) 27 (28.1)
Consumption of dairy products, n (%)b
Sufficient 37(39.4) 60(59.4) 0.005
Insufficient 57(60.6) 41(40.6)
Dressing style, n (%)c
Covered 75 (79.8) 42 (43.3) <0.001
Uncovered 19 (20.2) 55 (56.7)
Exposure to sun, n (%)b
Yes 42 (44.7) 47 (48) 0.64
No 52 (55.3) 51 (52)
Mode of delivery, n (%)c
Vaginal delivery 63 (53.8) 54 (46.2) 0.018
Primary caesarean section 17 (32.7) 35 (67.3)
Gestational diabetes, n (%)c 10 (9.5) 10 (8.1) 0.87
Hypertensive states, n (%)
Pre-eclampsiae 2 (1.9) 2 (1.6) 1
Gestational hypertensionc 5 (4.8) 6 (4.8) 1
Preterm birth, n (%)c 5 (4.8) 7 (5.6) 0.99
Small for gestational age, n (%)c 7 (6.7) 6 (4.8) 0.75
Intrauterine fetal death, n (%)e 1 (1) 1 (1) 1
Congenital malformation, n (%)c 2 (1.9) 1 (0.8) 0.88
Birth weight (g)a 3245 ± 496 3272 ± 440 0.66
Apgar scored
1 min 8 (6–9) 8 (6–9) 0.36
5 min 9 (8–10) 9 (8–10) 0.22
Infant gender (female), n (%)b 51 (51) 50 (44.6) 0.35

Data are shown as mean ± SD, median (minimum-maximum) or n (%).




Pearson chi-squared test;


Yates-corrected chi squared test;


Mann-Whitney U test;


Fisher’s exact test

BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure