Energy-cascaded upconversion in dye-sensitized fluoride core/shell nanocrystals. (a) Scheme of the proposed nanostructure. (b) UCL intensities from the 1I6, 1D2, and 1G4 states of Tm3+ as a function of the number ratio of IR-808 dye: NP for the (NaYbF4:Tm3+ 0.5%)@NaYF4:Nd3+ 30% UCNPs. Excitation at 800 nm, 10 W/cm2. (c) Dependencies of UCL enhancement in the (NaYbF4:Tm3+ 0.5%)@NaYF4:Nd3+ 30% UCNPs on the number ratio of IR 808 dye: NP for the (NaYbF4:Tm3+ 0.5%)@NaYF4:Nd3+ 30% UCNPs. The enhancement time is defined compared to the core/shell UCNPs without dye. Excitation at 800 nm, 10 W/cm2. (d) Proposed energy transfer pathways in the dye-sensitized core/shell structure. The higher energy levels of Nd3+ are omitted, as no UCL from the Nd3+ ions is observed. The dye molecules on the core/shell nanoparticle surface absorb photons and transfer excitation energy to the Nd3+ ions in the shell, which in turn sensitize Yb3+ ions in the core. Subsequently, intracore energy transfer from Yb3+ to Tm3+ excites the Tm3+ ions from the ground state to the 1G4, 1D2, and the 1I6 states. Radiative decays from these states produce five-photon induced UCL at 340 nm (1I6 → 3F4), four-photon induced UCL at 350, 450, and 510 nm (from 1D2 state to 3H6, 3F4, and 3H5 states), as well as three-photon luminescence at 480 and 650 nm (from 1G4 to 3H6 and 3F4). (e) UCL excitation spectra (for the integrated UCL intensity from the 1D2 state) for: IR-808 dye-sensitized (NaYbF4:Tm3+ 0.5%)@NaYF4:Nd3+ 30% (blue), (NaYbF4:Tm3+ 0.5%)@NaYF4:Nd3+ 30% (red), and canonical (NaYF4:Yb3+ 30%,Tm3+ 0.5%)/NaYF4 core/shell UCNPs (black). The broad and intense UCL excitation band peaked at ~800 nm proves the sensitization of the UCL by the IR-808 dye. (f) Fluorescence decay of the IR-808 dye from the IR-808 sensitized “blank” NaYF4 nanoparticles as well as the (NaYbF4:Tm3+ 0.5%)@NaYF4, (NaYbF4:Tm3+ 0.5%)@NaYF4:Nd3+ 10%, and the (NaYbF4:Tm3+ 0.5%)@NaYF4:Nd3+ 30% core/shell nanoparticles.