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. 2015 Oct 28;127(4):392–399. doi: 10.1182/blood-2015-06-648667

Table 1.

Comparison of age-dependent differences in CML characteristics

Blood counts (median) Transcript phenotype
Risk profiles Outcomes
Ref. Cohort age (y)* Patients (No.) Median spleen size (cm BCM) WBC (cells/µL) Platelets (cells/µL) Hgb (g/dL) Blasts in PB (%) b3a2 (%) High-risk Sokal score (%) High-risk EUTOS score (%) CCA (%) CML progression (%) Response to treatment at defined time point after start of TKI
26 1-18 72 6 217 405 10.0 1 n.r. 16 19 n.r. n.a. <10% at 3 mo: 64%§
27 0.8-16.7 25 5 252 n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. 52 n.r. n.r. 0.0 <10% at 3 mo: 63%§
1.9-17.3 15 13 378 n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. 80 n.r. n.r. 13.3 >10% at 3 mo: 37%§
28 2.8-17.9 47 n.r. 171 577 9.9 n.r. 72 n.r. n.r. n.r. 3.0 CCyR at 12 mo: 96%
MMR at 12 mo: 67%
12 16-29 120 5 144 430 11.1 2 52 26 18 6 8.7 >10% at 3 mo: 42%§
30-44 383 3 106 369 11.8 1 61 24 16 4 7.3 >10% at 3 mo: 42%§
45-59 495 1 74 364 12.6 1 58 22 11 5 5.3 >10% at 3 mo: 26%§
>60 526 0 57 381 12.5 0 62 24 8 3 6.1 >10% at 3 mo: 25%§
24 15-28 61 39% 30.5 332 12.2 0 n.r. 3 8 5 n.r. CCyR at 12 mo: 83%
MMR at 18 mo: 65%
CMR 23%
30-85 407 23% 27.4 343 12.3 0 n.r, 8 n.r. 4 n.r. CCyR at 12 mo: 88%
MMR at 18 mo: 78%
CMR 41%
25 18-30 329 4.5 62 370 11.8 1 54 20 18 4 14 CCyR at 60 mo: 80%
MMR at 60 mo: 71%
30-39 444 5.0 66 355 12.1 1 44 15 9 5 5 CCyR at 60 mo: 90% MMR at 60 mo: 86%
40-49 613 3.0 54 380 12.0 1 21 9
50-59 693 2.0 57 350 12.2 1 25 10
60-69 473 1.8 54 333 12.3 1 47 28 6 3 5 CCyR at 60 mo: 90%
>70 232 1.0 71 345 12.1 0.7 36 5 MMR at 60 mo: 88%

BCM, below costal margin; CCA, complex cytogenetic aberrations in addition to Philadelphia chromosome; CCyR, complete cytogenetic response (no Ph+ chromosome detectable); CML, chronic myelogenous leukemia; CMR, complete molecular response (no BCR-ABL1 transcript detectable by RT-PCR; for details on sensitivity of PCR see text of referred publication); EUTOS, European Treatment and Outcome Study; Hgb, hemoglobin; MMR, major molecular response (transcript ratio BCR-ABL1/ABL1 < 0.1%); PB, peripheral blood; n.a., not applicable because of short follow-up; n.r., not reported; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor; WBC, white blood cells.


Only trials reporting on cohorts of >30 patients and adult trials with data presented by age cohorts are included in the table.

The percentage of patients showing both transcripts (b3a2 and b2a2) was added to the cohort expressing only transcript b3a2.

Length of follow-up time differs among the trials, thus age-dependent comparisons can only be made for subcohorts within a given trial.


Percentage of the cohort achieving a transcript ratio higher or lower (as indicated) than 10% BCR-ABL1/ABL1 at month 3.

Proportion of patients with enlarged spleen of any measured size.

Includes patients who were treated with second-generation TKIs.