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. 2016 Jun 16;4(6):apps.1600024. doi: 10.3732/apps.1600024

Table 3.

Comparison of genomic and transcriptomic SSRs developed in Glycine. The number of reads, total number of bases, reads containing an SSR, reads containing a potentially amplifiable locus (PAL), unique PALs, mean number of PALs in a coding region, and percentage of PALs found in a coding region are presented for both data sets. The analyses to determine which loci were in translated regions were run on both forward and reverse loci, and the results were averaged. Thus, some of the counts of motifs in coding regions are not integers.

Statistic of data set Genomic Transcriptomic
Reads 717,309 (raw 454 reads) 364,755 (Illumina assembly scaffolds)
Total bases 84,930,732 133,872,643
Reads/scaffolds with SSR 7368 13,667
Reads/scaffolds with primers (PALs) 624 8456
Total unique PALs 532 7186
Dinucleotides, total 286 2893
Trinucleotides, total 212 4050
Tetranucleotides, total 24 174
Pentanucleotides, total 9 39
Hexanucleotides, total 1 30
Dinucleotides, % of total 53.8 40.3
Trinucleotides, % of total 39.8 56.4
Tetranucleotides, % of total 4.5 2.4
Pentanucleotides, % of total 1.7 0.5
Hexanucleotides, % of total 0.2 0.4
Mean PALs in coding region 65 2552
% of PALs in coding region 12.2 35.5
Dinucleotides, in coding region 17.5 643
Trinucleotides, in coding region 46 1838
Tetranucleotides, in coding region 1.5 48
Pentanucleotides, in coding region 0 7.5
Hexanucleotides, in coding region 0 15
Dinucleotides, % of total in coding region 26.9 25.2
Trinucleotides, % of total in coding region 70.8 72.0
Tetranucleotides, % of total in coding region 2.3 1.9
Pentanucleotides, % of total in coding region 0.0 0.3
Hexanucleotides, % of total in coding region 0.0 0.6
Dinucleotides, % in coding relative to total dinucleotides 6.1 22.2
Trinucleotides, % in coding relative to total trinucleotides 21.7 45.4
Tetranucleotides, % in coding relative to total tetranucleotides 6.3 27.6
Pentanucleotides, % in coding relative to total pentanucleotides 0.0 19.2
Hexanucleotides, % in coding relative to total hexanucleotides 0.0 50.0