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. 2016 Jan 27;55(7):833–847. doi: 10.1007/s40262-015-0357-0

Table 2.

Population pharmacokinetic parameters of the base and final pharmacokinetic models for acetaminophen in 20 morbidly obese patients and 8 non-obese patients, and results from bootstrap analysis of the final model (996/1000 resamples successful)

Parameter Base model (RSE %) Final model (RSE %) Bootstrap (95 % confidence interval)
V acetaminophen [L] 64.4 (5.3)
V acetaminophen = V 65.2 kg × [LBW/65.2]S
 V 65.2 kg 67.2 (2.8) 67.3 (64.1–70.9)
 S 0.90 (17.4) 0.90 (0.59–1.22)
CLgluc [L/min] 0.209 (7.5)
CLgluc = CLgluc,65.2 kg × [LBW/65.2]T
 CLgluc,65.2 kg 0.224 (5) 0.223 (0.202–0.246)
 T 1.33 (17) 1.34 (0.85–1.75)
CLsulph [L/min] 0.062 (7)
CLsulph = CLsulph,65.2 kg × [LBW/65.2]U
 CLsulph,65.2 kg 0.065 (6) 0.065 (0.057–0.073)
 U 0.92 (19.9) 0.92 (0.55–1.34)
CLCYP2E1 [L/min] 0.018 (14.8)
CLCYP2E1 = CLCYP2E1,65.2 kg × [LBW/65.2]W
 CLCYP2E1,65.2 kg 0.021 (14.6) 0.021 (0.015–0.026)
 W 0.67 (27.4) 0.71 (0.21–1.38)
V glucuronide [L] 29.7 (5.6)
V glucuronide = V 130.9 kg × [TBW/130.9]X
 V 130.9 kg 32.3 (4.1) 32.4 (29.7–34.9)
 X 0.55 (23.3) 0.56 (0.27–0.83)
V sulphate,central = V sulphate,peripheral [L] 5.66 FIX 5.66 FIX 5.66 FIX
Q [L/min] 0.346 (14.2) 0.339 (19.6) 0.338 (0.245–0.511)
V cysteine and mercapturate [L] 15.6 FIX 15.6 FIX 15.6 FIX
KtrCYP2E1 [min−1] 0.0063 (11.7)a
KtrCYP2E1 = Ktr65.2 kg × [LBW/65.2]Y
 Ktr65.2 kg 0.0057 (12.2)b 0.0058 (0.0047–0.0079)
 Y 1.1 (33) 1.12 (0.19–1.79)
Ktrgluc [min−1] 0.094 (11) 0.095 (11.5)c 0.095 (0.076–0.121)
CLE gluc [L/min] 0.211 (6.9)
CLE gluc = CLE gluc,65.2 kg × [LBW/65.2]Z
 CLE gluc,65.2 kg 0.222 (6.3) 0.221 (0.198–0.251)
 Z 0.89 (31) 0.90 (0.26–1.50)
CLE sulph [L/min] 0.097 (3.3) 0.096 (3.4) 0.096 (0.090–0.102)
CLE cys and mercap [L/min] 0.294 (13.2) 0.329 (14.5) 0.324 (0.226–0.423)
Inter-individual variability [%]
 V acetaminophen 26.4 (39.4) 14.4 (32.1) 13.9 (9.6–17.5)
 CLgluc 36.6 (31.9) 21.8 (32.5) 21.0 (13.6–27.8)
 CLsulph 33.6 (30) 24.3 (30.1) 23.0 (16.1–30.7)
 CLCYP2E1 58.6 (46.1) 23.3 (37.4) 21.4 (12.0–29.8)
 V glucuronide 28.2 (30) 22.5 (29.5) 21.1 (13.1–27.5)
 CLE gluc 35.4 (32) 30.3 (23.9) 28.3 (20.0–36.1)
 CLE cys and mercap 52 (34.1) 34.9 (33.4) 34.0 (21.8–49.2)
Residual variability [%]
 Proportional error for acetaminophen 17.2 (26.9) 17.1 (27) 16.7 (13.4–21.6)
 Proportional error for glucuronide 19.6 (27.5) 19.7 (27.9) 19.3 (14.7–25.0)
 Proportional error for sulphate 18.4 (20.3) 18.5 (20.6) 18.3 (15.1–22.0)
 Proportional error for cys and mercap 24.8 (9.2) 25.0 (8.7) 24.9 (22.7–27.0)
 OFV [− 2LL] −2937.3 −3085.4 −3147.2 (−3592.4 to −2759.2)

CL gluc glucuronidation clearance, CL sulp sulphation clearance, CL CYP2E1 CYP2E1-mediated clearance, CL E gluc glucuronide elimination clearance, CL E sulph sulphate elimination clearance, CL E cys&mercap cysteine & mercapturate elimination clearance, Ktr CYP2E1 CYP2E1 transit compartment rate constant, Ktr gluc glucuronide transit compartment rate constant, LBW lean body weight, OFV objective function value, Q inter-compartmental clearance of acetaminophen sulphate between the central and peripheral compartment, TBW total body weight, V volume of distribution, -2LL -2 log likelihood (see also Fig. 1)

aThe mean transit time was 158.7 min

bThe mean transit time was 175.4 min

cThe mean transit time was 10.5 min

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