Figure 4.
arg−/− CA1 neurons have longer NMDAR-EPSC decay time constants. A, Loss of Arg increases the NMDAR-EPSC decay time constant. Ai, Left, Representative traces of CA1 neuron NMDAR-EPSCs recorded at +40 mV holding potential from WT and arg−/− hippocampal slices. Right, Bar graph shows the average weighted decay time constant of NMDAR-EPSCs from WT and arg−/− CA1 neurons. Aii, Aiii, Bar graph shows the average slow component (Aii) and fast component (Aiii) of the decay time constant of NMDAR-EPSCs recorded in WT and arg−/− CA1 neurons. **p < 0.01 vs WT. B, Loss of Arg increases the proportion of NMDAR-mEPSCs with slow decay times. Bi, Representative NMDAR-mEPSC recordings from WT and arg−/− hippocampal neurons at P31. WT events, n = 22,196 from 37 neurons; arg−/− events, n = 23,367 from 45 neurons. Bii, Histogram shows NMDAR-mEPSC event decay times were shifted toward longer decay times in arg−/− (red) compared with WT (blue) mice. Biii, Biv, Decay times of NMDAR-mEPSC events in WT (Biii) and arg−/− (Biv) mice were well fit by a two-component Gaussian distribution (green, faster decay time constant; red, slower decay time constant). The proportion of NMDAR-mEPSCs with slower decay times was larger in arg−/− mice and smaller in WT mice.