Figure 2.
Immunofluorescence representing NUCB1/NLP immunreactivity (Red; Texas Red; and in Green are Ghrelin (J-Loop); SOX9 (Testis); FOXL2 (Ovary); Growth Hormone (Pituitary) in the J-Loop (a–c), testis (e–g) and ovary (i–k) and pituitary (m–p) of goldfish. Nuclei are stained blue (DAPI). Representative cells showing immunoreactivity in goldfish tissues are marked with arrows. A magnified image of representative NUCB1/NLP-ir cell is shown in square inset in figure (c,g,k,o) and GH (n). Images were taken at 40X magnification and scale bar = 100 μm (and 0.5 μm for inset). No immunoreactivity was detected in GH preabsorption control in goldfish pituitary (n). Similarly, no immunoreactivity was detected in our NUCB1/NLP preabsorption controls (d,h,l,p).