Horizontal (A–C) or sagittal (D,E) sections through the embryonic telencephalon of different mouse embryos (E14.5) hybridized for Lhx6, or immunostained for calbindin (CALB). Sections in A,C are at approximately the same level. While MGE is correlated to the globus pallidus (GP), the AEP is radially related to the cell corridor that expresses Lhx6 and contains abundant CALB+ cells, that extends into the posterior part of the medial amygdala (A,C). This cell corridor gives rise to part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), and it will be followed by the fibers of the stria terminalis. Sections in D,E show the relation of AEP with the internal capsule. See text for more details. For abbreviations, see list. Scale bars = 400 µm in A (applies to B); 200 µm in C; 500 µm in D (applies to E). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.wiley.com.]