Effect of drug treatment on liver histopathology of CCl4 intoxicated rats. (A) Liver of control rat with no CCl4 treatment showing normal hepatocytes with no inflammatory cell infiltrate; x10. (B) Liver of rat treated with CCl4 showing formation of bridging necrosis with chronic inflammatory cells; x10. (C) Liver of rat treated with CCl4 and 100 mg/kg silymarin showing normal hepatocytes with no inflammation and necrosis; x10. (D) Liver of rat treated with CCl4 and 400 mg/kg of ARBME showing mild periportal inflammation and no necrosis; x10. (E) Liver of rat treated with CCl4 and 100 mg/kg ARBWF showing absence of inflammatory cells or necrosis; x10. ARBME, A. reticulata bark methanol extract; ARBWF, A. reticulata bark water fraction.