Figure 2.
Comparison of Pkm knockdown efficiency in pre-adipocytes and adipocytes using forward and reverse siRNA transfection. Forward and reverse siRNA transfections of WT-1 pre-adipocytes and mature adipocytes with an siRNA against Pkm or a universal negative siRNA as control. The transfections were performed when the cells were ˜70% confluent for the pre-adipocytes or at day 6 of differentiation for the mature adipocytes. The pre-adipocytes were harvested 2 d after transfection, and the mature adipocytes were harvested 4 d after transfection. Relative mRNA expression (measured by RT-qPCR) of Pkm was determined by normalization to expression levels of TATA-binding protein (Tbp). (A) Forward and reverse siRNA transfection of WT-1 pre-adipocytes. (B) Forward and reverse siRNA transfection of mature WT-1 adipocytes. Data represent mean of means +SEM (n = 3). *, p < 0.05 versus universal negative siRNA. (C) Oil red O staining of mature WT-1 adipocytes before and 4 d after replating. The scale bar equals 100 μm.