Intra- and inter-participant repeatability of humerothoracic rotations (HT), scapulothoracic rotations (ST), thorax tilt (TH) and vertical hand force (FORCE) across three trials in three pull-up techniques. For intra-participant variations, mean values are presented across all participants ± standard deviation, and coefficients of multiple correlation (CMC) and standard deviation (SD) are used. For inter-participant variations mean Pearson's r values are presented ± standard deviation, with percentage of values that were significant (p < 0.05). Mean standard deviations are also presented across the eleven participants (SD). Humerothoracic rotations are plane of elevation (PoE), elevation (elev) and axial rotation (axial). Scapulothoracic rotations are lateral rotation (lat), protraction (pro) and posterior tilt (tilt). The range of the CMC values are zero (no relationship) to one (purely linear relationship).