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. 2016 Jun 22;11(6):e0157730. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157730

Table 4. Summary of Multiple Regression Analysis for Perceived Locus of Control, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Marital Status, Occupation, and Education in Predicting Activity Level.

Variable B SE B B
Internal locus of control -.06 .039 -.06
Age -.07 .022 -.16**
Male 1.61 .453 .13**
Malay .02 .600 .00
Chinese -1.44 .574 -.12*
Married -.04 .570 -.00
Housewife -1.59 .922 -.07
Education -1.09 .247 -.17**

Note. R2 = .084 (p <.01)

*p <.05,

**p <.01