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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Jun 22.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Protoc. 2015 Oct 22;10(11):1860–1896. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2015.122


Troubleshooting PACT and PARS protocols.

Step Problem Potential reason Solution
3, 5 (transcardial perfusion) Incomplete exsanguination, or the absence of tissue stiffening with PFA perfusion Catheter is not stably placed in the heart in order to deliver solutions into rodent vasculature; vasculature was compromised during initial hPBS flush because perfusion rate was too high; an insufficient amount of hPBS was pushed through vasculature such that blood remains in smaller vessels Use a single suture (loop the thread around the aorta) or clip to secure the feeding needle in place at the level of the aortic arch; start the initial perfusion of hPBS at a slower rate, and flush twice the volume of hPBS through
6 (hydrogel monomer (HM) embedding) Tissue damage during clearing; tissue seems to be unnecessarily fragile Inadequate infusion of HM solution throughout tissue It may be necessary to leave large tissue samples such as whole rat organs in HM for >12 h so that the monomer may fully penetrate the tissue
Tissue is structurally fragile or delicate Consider including PFA (1–4%) in HM formulation for subsequent sample preparations; extend the postfixation step
Poor HM polymerization after 37 °C incubation Inadequate degassing Repeat degassing step (10 min under vacuum, 10 min of nitrogen bubbling) and 37 °C incubation
Bad reagents Use fresh PFA for fixation; prepare HM solutions immediately before use and store the thermoinitiator, acrylamide and bis-acrylamide stock solutions at 4 °C
Embedded tissue or biological sample is too fragile for non-clearing applications (e.g., thin sectioning and imaging) Insufficient density of tissue cross-linking Increase the concentration of PFA (1–4%) and/or include bisacrylamide (0.05%) in the HM formulation
7 (tissue clearing) Clearing rate appears to slow down before the tissue is clear Clearing may slow down as the clearing buffer acidifies Buffer-exchange the clearing solution
Dense cross-linking If A4P1–4 was used, remove PFA from PACT hydrogel formulation in subsequent experiments; reduce the PFA postfixation incubation time by half
Tissue is dense, highly myelinated and/or otherwise difficult to clear Continue incubating in clearing buffer while checking periodically. Consider PARS clearing rather than PACT clearing for peripheral organ samples, as perfusive force accelerates clearing rate
Tissue appears to degrade Bacterial contamination Buffer-exchange the clearing solution, adding 0.01–0.05% (wt/vol) sodium azide to PBS-based clearing solutions
Poor hybridization of tissue to HMs In subsequent clearing experiments, prepare the hydrogel monomer solution with fresh reagents, increase the PFA content by 1%, extend the tissue incubation in HM by 12–24 h and/or before polymerizing the tissue-hydrogel, perform two rounds of degassing (where one round equals 10 min under vacuum and 10 min nitrogen-bubbling)
Poor PFA cross-linking of tissues Ensure that adequate fixation and postfixation steps are performed; use fresh 4% PFA
Hydrogel softening during clearing Overclearing and/or initial poor hydrogel polymerization Consider doubling the postfixation step or including PFA in the HM formulation in subsequent experiments; consider underclearing tissue, as RIMS incubation will cause translucent tissues to become transparent for imaging
Difficulty obtaining complete bone decalcification PACT-deCAL procedure requires further optimization by the user according to the bone size and density (guidelines provided are specific to the mouse femur and tibia) Experiment with EGTA-based chelation and then 8% (wt/vol) SDS clearing. Alternate steps for `7B PACT-deCAL' are as follows:
(i) Incubate bone-hydrogelin 0.1 M EGTA in 1× PBS (pH 9) for 72 h at 37 °C.
(ii) Rinse the sample in 1× PBS; clear it in 8% SDS-PBS (pH 7.4) for 7 d at 37 °C, performing one buffer exchange during clearing.
(iii) Wash the sample as usual: 24–48 h in 3–6 buffer changes of 1× PBS at RT
Dense, fibrous bone or larger samples may be resistant to decalcification by chelating reagents and SDS-based clearing alone As bone consists of ~16% collagen196,197, consider incubating bone in collagenase before clearing in order to disrupt the collagen matrix
Tissue becomes turbid; white precipitate appears in the tissue Incomplete washing after clearing, causing SDS and/or salts to precipitate in tissue when it is moved from 37 °C to RT Double the time for of all wash steps, making sure to perform several exchanges of 1× PBS each day; wash with PBST or BBT instead of 1× PBS
Tissue becomes white and nearly opaque upon transfer to 4 °C Salts and, in particular, residual SDS will precipitate in tissue if it is moved to 4 °C. However, the precipitate should disappear upon gradual warming of tissue to RT or 37 °C. Consider performing more extensive wash steps in future experiments, particularly after SDS clearing
Slight tissue yellowing during clearing Use of PFA-containing hydrogels or BB We have not observed adverse effects from slight tissue yellowing on imaging results—tissue becomes clear upon RIMS mounting. However, very occasionally, some samples become very yellow during the first half of SDS clearing: these samples should be cleared for a longer length of time—until they are very transparent—or the yellowing will cause high background during imaging. Ensure that only fresh PFA is used in subsequent experiments
Brain does not become transparent during PARS-based clearing Insufficient perfusion with clearing buffer Extend the clearing time: most rodent organs clear within 2 d via PARS; however, the brain requires an additional 1–2 weeks to clear. RIMS-mounting will also increase the transparency of `translucent' tissues
A specific organ does not clear well via whole-body PARS Vasculature becomes compromised during the clearing process Identify and try to fix leakages in the vasculature; if unsuccessful, tie off the major vessels supplying that organ, excise the organ for PACT clearing and continue to perform PARS clearing with the remaining body. Starting over with a new PARS preparation should only be used as the last resort
Poor flow to specific organ because of anatomic reasons (poorly vascularized) If PACT is not a desirable option and the organ is sizable with accessible vasculature, consider PARS clearing the single organ, akin to published decellularization methods92
9 (histology) Poor labeling, including faint signal Shallow antibody penetration Increase the antibody concentration in the primary antibody cocktail or replenish the antibody halfway through extended incubations, by either adding additional antibody directly to the original antibody cocktail or by preparing a fresh antibody dilution
Incomplete delipidation, which obstructs labeling Increase the clearing time
High cross-linking density High cross-link density in A4P1-4–hybridized tissues will slow antibody diffusion; thus, antibody incubations should be extended
Epitope loss or epitope masking (unlikely if adhering to protocol) If tissue was damaged because of microbial contamination, consider adding 0.01–0.05% (wt/vol) sodium azide to all buffers and solutions that are used in long incubations; overfixation may lead to antigen masking, so postfixation steps should be decreased
In FISH experiments, degradation of nucleic acid transcripts, or diffusion of transcripts out of sample during clearing Ensure that all hydrogel, clearing and labeling reagents are RNase-free; embed samples in a hydrogel formulation that contains PFA and/or bis-acrylamide (e.g., A4P1B0.05), and perform a rigorous degassing step to ensure thorough hydrogel-tissue hydridization
Poor quality of antibody or dye, which results in weak labeling Only use high-quality antibodies that have been first verified in standard thin-section immunolabeling; experiment with a different antibody supplier—different antibodies against the same target may vary greatly in their labeling abilities, such as in their binding affinity and in their capacity to access intracellular compartments for cell-filling labeling versus only superficial or extracellular epitope binding. Finally, it can be helpful to simultaneously prepare a thin section (40–100 μm) alongside a thick, cleared section while troubleshooting to ensure that the visualization of a strong signal is possible
High background and/or autofluorescence Tissue damage during processing Review procedures carefully, and ensure that no reagents introduced bacterial contamination of sample; lengthen the wash steps to remove potential precipitate (SDS, donkey serum–antibody immunocomplexes)
Sources of autofluorescence—part 1: fixative-induced autofluorescence, elastin, collagen Many standard histological techniques for reducing autofluorescence, such as tissue bleaching23, performing wash steps in PBST containing 100 mM glycine to quench aldehydes and treating tissue with histology stains that quench or mask autofluorescence, may be adapted to thick-sectioned cleared tissues—typically by performing longer wash steps after the appropriate countermeasure; photobleaching the tissue before IHC at wavelengths that exhibit the highest autofluorescence may also help198
Sources of autofluorescence—part 2: heme chromophores, lipofuscins Thoroughly remove all blood during initial cardiac perfusion; to elute heme, incubate hydrogel-embedded PACT sections and in particular PACT-deCAL sections in aminoalcohol (CUBIC reagent-1 (refs. 11,21) for 12–24 h at 37 °C with shaking, and then transfer the sections directly into 8% (wt/vol) SDS for clearing; lipofuscin autofluorescence is partially combatted by tissue clearing; however, thick tissue sections may be incubated in 0.2%199 to 1.0% ((wt/vol) final concentration) Sudan Black B for 1–3 hours immediately before Step 5 (PACT hydrogel-embedding) in order to reduce high autofluorescent background—tissue clearing will allow Sudan Black B–treated sections to become sufficiently transparent for imaging (Supplementary Fig. 3)
High background, but with high signal of correctly labeled epitopes Nonspecific antibody binding Extend the wash steps after both primary and secondary antibody incubations an additional day, by performing four or five buffer exchanges each day, and wash the samples in PBST instead of 1× PBS; in rodent tissue samples, avoid using antibodies that require anti-mouse secondary antibody labeling23; also some chicken antibodies show strong staining with high background and/or aggregation—these antibodies should be diluted to 1:400 to 1:1,000
12, 13 (tissue mounting and imaging) Poor image quality and/or poor imaging depth Tissue is of insufficient transparency for light to penetrate Extend the tissue incubation time in RIMS to several days before imaging; for bone, incubate for an additional 1 d in RIMS-1.48 or RIMS-1.49 before imaging
Morphological distortion Tissue size fluctuations Immediately before RIMS incubation, postfix cleared, immunolabeled tissue in 4% PFA for a few hours at RT, and then wash and incubate in RIMS for at least several days to one week before imaging; consider preparing future samples in hydrogel that contains PFA (e.g., A4P1–4, depending on the degree of swelling) and/or consider a longer postfixation step after transcardial perfusion
Bubbles in mounted tissue Air trapped in tissue or dissolved air in RIMS; sample mounted with insufficient RIMS, causing the introduction of air bubbles between the RIMS meniscus and cover glass Purge RIMS of excess air via degassing the tissue in fresh RIMS before mounting (e.g., using the vacuum line, akin to the hydrogel polymerization of Step 5; do not bubble nitrogen through the sample following its placement under vacuum)—use this degassed RIMS to mount the degassed sample
Sample appears turbid or white RIMS-mounted sample was placed at 4 °C, causing salts, etc., to precipitate The precipitate should disappear upon gradual warming of tissue to RT or 37 °C. Store RIMS-mounted tissue at RT, protected from light, or mount tissue in cRIMS for cold storage
16, 17 (3D image analysis) Imaging software and/or computer crashes; unable to load acquired images Insufficient RAM for large images Troubleshoot with a different option in the step 15 workflow: option A using Imaris, option B using TerraStitcher, or option C Vaa3D TerraFly; consider upgrading computer workstation and/or adding RAM and/or new graphics card; downsample the data set (note that compression cannot be used with Imaris); process the images in tiles (i.e., analyze each tile individually)