Table 5. Co-Twin Control Analyses for Association Between Education and Allostatic Load.
Allostatic Load | Allostatic Load | Allostatic Load | |
(146 pairs) | (64 DZ pairs) | (81 MZ pairs) | |
B | B | B | |
(SE) | (SE) | (SE) | |
p | p | p | |
Sex | .054 | −.071 | .129 |
(.110) | (.159) | (.156) | |
.621 | .656 | .407 | |
Age | .041 | .034 | .047 |
(.004) | (.006) | (.007) | |
<.001 | <.001 | <.001 | |
between-pair |
−.075 | −.081 | −.066 |
(.026) | (.035) | (.039) | |
.004 | .021 | .089 | |
within-pair |
.000 | .007 | −.002 |
(.038) | (.047) | (.057) | |
.990 | .886 | .969 |
Note: MZ=monozygotic; DZ=dizygotic.
Shown are the regression coefficient, standard error, and p-value for each predictor. Allostatic load was log-transformed to normalize its distribution and was subsequently standardized for ease of interpretation. Sex was coded 1 for men and 2 for women. One twin pair of indeterminate zygosity was included in the full sample but not in the separate MZ or DZ analyses. Generalized Estimating Equations were used to account for the family structure.