Table 2.
Words used to generate themes in NVivo.
Human Connection | bottled up, let it out, talk to someone, tell my story, share my story, share my experiences, express myself, good to tell someone about it, let you know how I felt |
Altruism/Community | to help, my community [family, other victims, other people, others in this situation, other crime victims, others who have been through this], pass it forward, for future research |
Self-improvement | heal, recovery, improve myself, get better, change, grow |
Gaining knowledge | understand [learn, discover] about injuries [wounds, brains], how do wounds heal, how do brains recover, learn about research studies |
Compensation | gift card, groceries, money, assistance, financial |
Reciprocity | because you were nice [kind, pleasant] to me, because you [the study, the research] helped me |
Low risk | no harm in it, couldn’t hurt, I wouldn’t do [needles, medicines, drugs, procedures, tests, experiments] but I would do this again [answer questions, talk to researcher, participate in a study] |