Figure 4.
Peritoneal inflammation was significantly attenuated in Casp11 −/− mice. Wild type, Casp11 −/−, and Asc −/− mice were infected with 1,000 Toxoplasma gondii Me49 tachyzoites via i.p. administration and peritoneal lavage fluid (PLF) was collected 15 days after inoculation. (a) Total PLF cellularity was determined for each treatment group using trypan blue staining and a hemacytometer. (b–e) PLF leukocyte populations were determined following differential staining of cytospun samples. The percentages of monocytes (b), mast cells (c), polymorphonuclear cells (neutrophils and eosinophils) (d), and lymphocytes (e) were determined for each animal. ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01. Data shown are representative of histopathology evaluated over the course of 3 independent studies. Wild type mock, n = 9; Asc −/− mock, n = 9; Casp11 −/− mock, n = 6; wild type Tg, n = 18; Asc −/− Tg, n = 18; Casp11 −/− Tg, n = 13. Data shown are representative of 3 independent studies.