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. 2016 Jun 22;3(3):ENEURO.0136-15.2016. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0136-15.2016

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

The response of thalamic NICE-TC and NICE-RE models to low duty-cycle US stimulation waveforms. The US stimuli (US intensity: 5.2 W/cm2; US frequency: 0.69 MHz; PRF, 100 Hz) are indicated by black bars (AC). A, B, For a 1.5 s, 5% duty-cycle US stimulus, the TC cell fires a tonic 100 Hz volley of APs, whereas the RE cell fires only one volley and stops. Bottom, The currents' profiles of the segments marked in the top, where IU is the sum of Ih, IKL+, and ILeak currents (see complete channel composition in the Theoretical framework section). C, Increasing the duty-cycle to 6% and 7% brings the RE neurons to fire periodical volleys and a constant volley of APs after two braked volleys, respectively. D, The relation between the TC and RE neurons' spike rates and the US stimulation duty-cycle, calculated for the last 0.5 s period of the 1.5-s-long US stimulation.