Figure 4. mRNA and protein expression of Adam9 and Ctss are significantly increased in amoeboid microglia.
(a) A significant increase in the mRNA expression of Adam9 and Ctss was observed in amoeboid-enriched cultures compared with bipolar/rod-enriched cultures at 2 DIV (n = 6). (b) At 6 DIV, the mRNA expression of Adam9 and Ctss remained significantly increased in amoeboid-enriched cultures (n = 4). *P < 0.05, Student’s t-test. (c) Representative fluorescence micrographs showed strong Adam9 and Ctss immunoreactivity in amoeboid microglia (white arrowheads) compared with bipolar/rod-shaped microglia (yellow arrowheads). The quantification of the fluorescence intensity of Adam9 and Ctss confirmed the immunostaining results at 2 DIV. (d) Representative fluorescence micrographs showed that the protein expression of Adam9 and Ctss remained high in amoeboid microglia (white arrowheads) compared with bipolar/rod-shaped microglia (yellow arrowheads). The quantification of Adam9 and Ctss fluorescence intensity confirmed the observation at 6 DIV. Scale bar: 100 μm. We analysed approximately 600–1000 bipolar/rod-shaped or amoeboid microglia from scratched or non-scratched PDL/laminin-coated surface, respectively (n = 3; mean ± SEM; *P < 0.05, one-way ANOVA, followed by Bonferroni’s post hoc test).