Figure 3. Sox2 knockdown results in loss of VRK1 and of cell proliferation.
(a) Depletion of Sox2 in NT2 cells. Sox2 was knocked down and the level of Sox2 protein determined by immunofluorescence and western blot. One hundred cells were used for immunofluorescence quantification with the LAS Lite program. Sox2 was detected with a mouse monoclonal anti- Sox2 (E-4, 1:100). VRK1 was detected using a rabbit polyclonal anti-VRK1 antibody (1:200). (Student’s Test: * < 0.05; ** < 0.005; *** < 0.0005). siC: si-control. The western blot with the knockdown of Sox2 is shown to the right. (b) Effect of silencing Sox2 or VRK1 on the rate of cell proliferation in MDA-MB-231 cells. An equal number of cells (200 000) were seeded and counted every twenty-four hours (left). The results show the mean of three experiments, in which each point was determined in triplicate. (c) Expression of proteins associated to cell cycle progression. Cells were also used to determine the expression of different proteins associated with proliferation (center). Because of the low number of cells the level of Sox2 was determined by qRT-PCR (right). siC: si-control, siS: si-Sox2, siV: si-VRK1-02.