Table 1.
Summary of multiple sclerosis and control groups used for quantitative analysis
Cohort | Status (n) | Gender | Age at death | Disease duration | PMD |
Multiple sclerosis | 18 SPMS | 9M:13F | 50 years (38–66) | 25 years (10–39) | 17 h (9–26) |
4 PPMS | |||||
Inflammatory Ctrls | 4 viral encephalitis | 6M:2F | 37 years (17–65) | n/a | 36 h (24–72) |
4 ischaemia | |||||
Non-neurological Ctrls | 15 controls | 9M:6F | 67 years (35–88) | n/a | 24 h (5–48) |
Inflammatory controls are non-MS neurological controls characterised by neuroinflammation and gliosis. Group values showed as median (data range). See (Additional file 1: Table S1) for individual case details including cause of death, disease activity at death and sampled blocks
Ctrls controls, disease duration determined retrospectively from time of first symptom onset to death, F female, M male, PMD post-mortem delay, PPMS primary progressive MS, SPMS secondary progressive MS, n/a not applicable